Grass-Free: The Grass-Free Diet
Grass-Free: The Grass-Free Diet
ISBN-13: 9781491741085
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We are naturally thin. For 1.8 million years prehistoric man hunted and gathered proteins and fats, and no one was overweight. Then, 10,000 years ago, with the agricultural revolution, historic man discovered that he could grow grasses, mainly wheat, sugar cane, and corn, ushering in the "diseases of civilization." Men and woman of leisure became fat. The end of the Second World War allowed us to turn our attention to feeding the world, with "frankengrains" and refined food. Suddenly, we found that we all were overweight, poisoning ourselves with grasses, cereal grains, that we were never meant to eat, that our body just doesn't know how to digest. Grass-Free is a review of how to stop poisoning ourselves, how to get back to our natural weight, and how to stop autoimmune diseases like arthritis from their painful killing ways. 9781491741085 1491741082 117 Antiques & Collectibles NOT_MATURE http://books.google.com/books/content?id=uO87BAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl&source=gbs_api en
- • Author: David Oxley Thompson
- • Publisher: Iuniverse
- • Publication Date: Jul 17, 2014
- • Number of Pages: 114 pages
- • Language: English
- • Binding: Paperback
- • ISBN-10: 1491741082
- • ISBN-13: 9781491741085